Kratos infracon Private Limited

Industrial Construction

Industrial Construction

The Industrial Construction Business unit covers Erection, Testing and Commissioning(ETC) of Projects in Power, Oil&Gas, and Other Industrial and Non-Power Sectors. A Robust team Consisting of hundreds of experienced engineers, trained technicians and a huge workforce is solidly behind in executing projects works at blistering and precision.

The Company provides integrated industrial construction services to gas-based power projects, HRSG, WHRB, CFBC boilers, steam turbine generators, steam generators including auxiliaries, ESPs, hydro turbines and BOP packages, including structural steelworks, ash handling, coal handling, fuel oil systems. SCR & FGD, Nuclear projects, and high-pressure piping works.


  1. Thermal (Ultra, Super & Sub Critical) Power Plants of all capacities
  2. Open & Combined Cycle Power Plants
  3. Structure Fabrication & Erection
  4. Balance of Plant
    FGD & SCR
  5. Refinery and Petrochemicals
  6. Cross country Pipelines
  7. Allied Industries such as Steel & Cement etc